Overbeeke Commercial & Residential painting:
Your partner for over 20 years
Thank you for visiting our website. We are a small painting company, run by Luc Overbeeke. We are operating on both the commercial as well as the residential market, in the province Zuid-Holland. Our clients are, amongst others, private individuals, firms and offices, and real estate.
Our business
For more than twenty years we have been your partner for indoor and outdoor paintwork, wall finishes, glazing, wood rot repair, and concrete repair. More information about this can be found at ‘work activities’ below.
Additionally, we offer a full-service for the complete maintenance of your residence or business property. We will be your contact during the entire process. We distinguish ourselves from other companies by our proven reliability and trustworthiness, care, and efficiency. More information about our full-service can be found at ‘full-service’ below.
You are welcome to apply for a quotation. You can find our contact details at the 'Contact' button above.
Business procedure
Following your application for a quotation we make an appointment. Together we then assess the necessary work for your building. We will also discuss your specific wishes.
Thereafter we will provide you with technical advice for the execution of the work. Then, we will prepare your quotation. After you accept our offer we will make a schedule.
Below is an overview of the services we provide. If the service you require is not mentioned below, feel free to contact us to discuss the possibilities.
Our paintwork consists of maintenance- and repair activities for residences, monumental buildings, business properties, and offices. You can also contact us for the completion of your newly build residence.
We perform the following paintwork:
- Inside and outside paintwork
- Window frames, windows, and doors
- Facades and facade elements
Wall finish:
- Painting of both walls and ceilings
- Wallpapering
- Applying fiberglass textile
- Wall decorations and ornamental plaster
- New glazing, both single and double
- Replacing existing glazing
Wood repair:
By wood rot affected parts of window frames, doors, or facade elements will, prior to the paintwork, be repaired by means of partial replacement of wooden parts.
We work with 2-component epoxy, a product that is designed especially for performing durable wood repair.
Concrete repair:
We perform small concrete repairs, such as repairing damaged thresholds, concrete lates, and balcony edges.
We work with 2-component epoxy mortar or mineral mortar.
The repair of jointing of outside facades and the repair of rips, for example because of frost damage, can also be combined with our paintwork.
In case several work activities need to be performed on your residence or building, you can make use of our full-service package. We offer this package for both private as well as commercial clients.
We provide the planning and execution of several activities, such as a combination of paintwork and new glazing, or applying a new floor. We work closely with a set of specialized firms for, amongst others, glazing, carpeting, window covering, laminate- and parquet floors.
We will be your contact person for the complete process of the work activities. Planning of the work is carefully adjusted to your wishes and the situation. We will ensure proper arrangements with our subcontractors, so that the work is optimally planned and efficiently executed.
Private full-service
- For your own residence
- For a residence you rented out
Commercial full-service
- For your company building or office
- For commercial buildings and offices that are (to be) rented out
Our full-service includes the following activities: